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Angels in the city

Angels in the city


I like the old statue like feeling concrete face masks have to my eyes, like an old work of beauty recovered from time, a found object, different from the more polite -but still loved!- ceramics and even polymers. The challenge was avoiding the concrete to be soft, almost polished specially for pieces like this. Yeah, not all concrete mixes are created equal. Some are brittle, some are too coarse, some need forever to cure, others dry too fast and would not flow into shapes... I got tricks from ceramics work to do it, something similar to adding unusual materials into the mix -like that ceramics with lavender flowers!- etc. a whole world of discovery. But what can you do when your home has been invaded for contractors, helpers, ladders, brushes and plastic wrap? I had all the time in the world to do "this", no cooking, no cleaning, no errands. One can be just exhausted or swim along the inevitable with a bag of concrete on one hand and curiosity on the other! So, here they are, pieces with concrete. 


With modernist looks, a merging feel between industrial style with romantic Victorian, Angels in the City has a serene face cast in concrete and sealed giving the character to the piece. A small dark blue Kyanite adds a touch of color without distracting us from the message in this large focal element.

Copper, concrete, Kyanite

It measures approx no counting the floating bail 126 x 58 x 10mm

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