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Effigy, Sterling

Effigy, Sterling


All started with a Sterling sand cast focal created from an old Precolumbian effigy I have, its deity looks, the feel of the past and its meaning to them, the ancients. A Septarian half nodule seemed right, the lightening like forms of minerals created during millions of years, the Dragon Stone as some call them, a grounding stone that some say creates a protective shield around the wearer.

Sterling, Septarian, white Magnesite slabs, stoneware handcrafted beads (limited edition), and two vintage glass beads that I think are replicas of ancient glass beads, especially the one with small faces, those "evil eye" beads treasured by several old cultures.

All set in Sterling, the inner wire is steel to provide support to the stones and focal weight keeping a visually appealing tension around the neck.


It measures total around the neck 20 1/2 inches. The focal element measures 4.20 inches (107mm)


Oh, the metal beads, ending chain and clasp are handcrafted in silver, Just the wiring is steel.

The pictures where the piece rests on the bust show you its real size (pictures can be tricky), how it sits on the neck, and how it would look on you since it is a real size human mannequin.

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