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Eternal Window. Sterling, Fluorite, Prehnite, amethyst, OOAK

Eternal Window. Sterling, Fluorite, Prehnite, amethyst, OOAK


Oh, get a coffee... we are for a long introduction... ;)

Contrasts, colors, and, at the same time, a particular meaning. If too long, pass to part 2 at the bottom.

Part 1

In the world of energy, crystals, colors, everything has a meaning, a story to tell for the one that has traveled the crystal's journey learning from them and hidden to the distracted...

What this piece says for the ones that just see beads is lavender/purples, greens, rustic forms and Sterling, but what is behind all this? Which story each piece has hidden that few really know?

Yes, I hide meaning in what I do... Meaning that calls the ones that need it? Meaning that talk with the whisper of ancient wisdom, that collective mind/soul we all share? The Akash? 

EVERYTHING is connected, always, everywhere. Nothing exists in nature that is not tied in some way to other things and forces, even when we consider ourselves unique, individuals. Like snowflakes, we have differences, yet we are all water. We might have different taste, sense of smell, wishes, dreams, beliefs, but we are all the same, even the worst of us share with us a parcel of nature.

When colors stop being just color, when stones stop being just stones and we dive into frequencies and vibration, the world Changes, suddenly what we live gets deeper, larger, wondrous.

I know frequencies and vibrations sound like Hocus Pocus... yet, we are all made of atoms, like a beehive dance of small particles forming our hands, eyes, dreams. If we were able to "hear" our body, to see it as it really is!

We forget, by force of habit, that we are energy... Crystals, colors are too, and not in a spiritual way but a scientific way. Sciences and Spirituality have things in common, even when sciences still can't explain a lot of them. Not with math, even when mathematicians know and try to grasp "The infinite".

Watch your hand and for a second realize it is made of cells, and then realize that cells are made of atoms. It is sooooooooo much we can't see, yet it happens, it exists.

Same with colors. We SEE colors because a photon -a tiny weeny ball of energy, bah- bounces into the object and zaz, miracle. There is Color... and that "particles", that lil balls -to call them somehow- when move make a "noise", vibrate, have a frequency. Those frequencies affect us, interact with us, make us comfortable or itchy inside like that discomfortable feeling we have when close to people that feels to be not so nice... 

Well, colors mean things because of what they "do" or some say they do. 

Green. Nature, fertile forests, life in motion... Purple, violet, some say is transmutation. What is that? The ability to transform, to change things. The green stimulates "our green", health, vitality, force -different from strength- and allegedly helps healing.

Purple is most of the time related to spirituality. Some believe that can help to transform bad things into good things, or to se with a different light what is happening to us and understand it as a learning situation, so in some way, transform us.

I don't know -or at least I can't guarantee 100%- that things are "this way" but I do know that our body irradiates energy -hey, our atoms do, we are not covered by rubber skin, ha!!!- and crystals do too -also made with atoms- and the space where both energies touch each other merges. 

I knowwww long subject and populated with theories humanity has been trying to "proof" since the beginning of human intelligence. So for now, that's it. Things are made of energy and we don't have a rubber skin. ;) I will let you if you like to travel into a different world of ideas and explore if you wish.


Part 2

Eternal Window. Fluorite on a Sterling focal body, bold and intense, some few chocolate pearls to break the boredom, lavender/purple light amethyst crystals in the raw, Prehnite large green and beautiful beads, heishi rustic amethyst discs and more amethyst in a very pale palette, almost aqueous, all stranded in Sterling and with a Sterling clasp. :)

It measures around the neck 18 inches.

The pictures where the piece rests on the bust show you the real size, since it is a real human-sized mannequin.

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