Rules and Reserves

Yeah, I Knowww, I hate rules too but as a business it has to be organized... -Boomer-
As the blog kept growing the reserves did as well, Thanks guys!
No more reserves at the blog because everything will be Here First.
I will keep making parts, have destash and small things.
I will keep fair prices and lower than the rest of the planet.
I Might reserve at the market with one condition: The approximate date of that reserve to be honored -bought- and no more than two weeks or so. Just Overseas reserves can be longer and no more than two months set in payments. (They have an awful lot of spending in shipping and some reserve several and add to a bundle that I ship later.
If that is not respected, you know the drill, I will not reserve to that person anymore.
No honored reserves will never be able to reserve again, it bothers me to have to do it -has happened before several times but that people can buy from the Etsy shop -and some had been blocked even at Etsy-. Why? This is a playground designed to be pleasurable, laid back and with very affordable prices compared with, well... everywhere, in exchange to open to the world I want this to keep being a place to have fun and to share in equally fair and respectful and nice way.
No exceptions. -This goes for my friends, LOL-
No new reserves until the "old ones" are fully honored. I can't reserve ad infinitum even if you are overseas, so, please, be considerate.
If you have a health issue, financial problem, let me know and we work it out -It had happened before- but please, keep in mind that, it is not fair to me, and again, it messes the Playground feeling and it disappoints me and I don't feel inspired to sell to that person. I want that what I make will be in nice hands that understand how much work this elements have and the privilege to reserve before anybody else. To me would be more comfortable just to add products to Etsy and let them manage my world.
If you want installments, again, let me know, that is easy to set, the product will have as many payments as we agree, I just have to divide the total x the quantity of payments and set it as if are several of the same. All toyz are shipped when the last payment has been made as usual.
I Might reserve in here, not live as I was doing anyway, if chatted before you do the reserve and you give me an approx date of payment, I will reserve for order of request. The blog will not have the pricing anymore and remain as preview for artistic purposes. Just send me a note "I want to reserve this, I will pay approx the..."
As soon as added to the market all the toyz are fair game, if somebody buys them before you can reserve, I will not be able to help.
I'm exploring Afterpay where you can make payments thru a third party, I will add also credit and debit cards, I still have to sit and set all that. Zelle is running and you can pay from your bank account in a second.
Short version:
No more reserves from the blog, products will appear first in this market ready to be purchased.
If you want a reserve, the payment will be due two weeks and not as long as it happened until now.
Reserve and no buying: No more reserves rights.
More ways to pay
Installments available in as many payments as comfortable.
If sick and can't honor a reserve, Tell me, we work around that.
Overseas can reserve for a month. Installments overseas available.
No new reserves until the "old ones" had been honored.
I Know, I know I knowwwwwwwww, it is a pain but more fair for everyone and more relaxed, no more running for something when listed. Let's see how it works!!!
Hugs again and have a full of life week.
Sunshine or rain, Life is still Beautiful!